Cover: Material transitions in architecture and construction
TATuP 03 - 2024
Material transitions in architecture and construction

Date of publication: 12/20/2024

Modern architecture and construction methods create an ever-increasing demand for reinforced concrete, generating huge amounts of CO2 emissions. Today, material consumption in the construction sector is responsible for approximately 5-10 % of globals CO2 emissions, 50 % of EU-wide resource consumption, and 60 % of Gemany's waste production.

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Content & reading samples  

Building the future: Toward a sustainable material transition in architecture and construction

Competing or complementary?: Socio-technical imaginaries of a bio-based construction sector

Futurizing “good construction(s)”: ‘Low-carbon’ and ‘labor’ futures in the Belgian construction sector

Wer macht die Materialwende?: Zur Rolle von zirkulären und denkmalpflegerischen Ansätzen für die Transformation des Bauwesens

Materials libraries as knowledge tools on the path toward a circular construction industry

Lab-grown materials for architecture

Architectures of syntopia: An interdisciplinary speculative model for constructions with insect-infested wood

Resource intensity of the digital transformation in Germany

Klimaschutz in der Sackgasse: Zwischen klarer Zielsetzung und umstrittenen Lösungswegen

interview: Computational design for a new material culture?

Book review
Smil, Vaclav (2023): Invention and innovation. A brief history of hype and failure

Book review
Potochnik, Angela (2024): Science and the Public

Book review
Nyholm, Sven (2023): This is technology ethics. An introduction

Meeting report
„Methoden für die Technikfolgenabschätzung – Im Spannungsfeld zwischen bewährter Praxis und neuen Möglichkeiten“. Conference, 2024, Wien, AT

Meeting report
“Knowledge transfer in and through Living Labs”. International Conference and Training School, 2024, Aachen (hybrid), DE

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