Frequency of publication:
four issues per year
Next issue: March 31
ISSN: 0940-5550
E-ISSN: 2625-5413
GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to inter- and transdisciplinary research on and for sustainability transformations.
Explore Our Journal:
For comprehensive details regarding our journal, including submission guidelines and procedures for article submission, please visit our journal website ».
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Delve into the complete archive of GAIA's publications by visiting our hosting platform at Ingenta ».
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GAIA’s newsletter, which offers insights and updates on the latest research, is published about six times a year. To stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter.
About the Journal
GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society ...
... is a community-based journal.
... is published by oekom », an independent publishing house based in Germany. oekom is committed to sustainable corporate management and production, and to ethical publishing (see oekom values »).
... follows the Green Road to Open Access under a policy that is fully compliant with Plan S » (repository route):
- all articles (Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAM) and / or Version of Record (VoR) can be self-archived with no embargo period,
- authors retain copyright (rights retention)
- articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution licence CC BY 4.0.
... is preserved in CLOCKSS for long-term digital preservation
... has a quick turnaround and minimizes time from submission to publication.
... has a proven record of high-quality articles, a well-established international reviewer network, and a reputation of academic excellence.
... articles are chosen for their scientific content as well as their ease of comprehension and relevance to readers of various scientific disciplines.
... is published in colour print and provides an exceptional opportunity to illustrate scientific work in the form of pictures, charts, or maps.
... articles can be published in both English and German.
Please visit our journal website » for About the Journal », Metrics/Indexing », and Code of Conduct ».
GAIA has been supported by: ETH Board | Branco Weiss † | Eawag | Altana AG | Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung | Velux Stiftung | Stiftung Sonnenwiese | Binding Stiftung | Ulrich Müller-Herold | Paul Schiller Stiftung
The word Gaîa touches on a myth that affected the beginning of philosophy and science. »Mother Earth« is a metaphor for bearing and conceiving, giving and taking, up and down. A guarantor of the cycle of life, Gaîa represents the foundation of the law that is preliminary to human dispositions.
Submission | Articles and Focus Sections
For article submissions and further information on the journal please proceed to the GAIA editorial management system on our journal website ».
Focus Sections
If you are interested in publishing a focus section, please contact the editorial office at
Editorial Office, Editorial Board and Reviewers
Editorial Board, Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board:
For information on the Editorial Board, the Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board please proceed to GAIA's journal website ».
Reviewers 2023:
The Editorial Board and Team would like to thank all reviewers » who have supported GAIA with their expertise in 2023.
Editorial Office:
Martina Blum
Managing Editor
Dr. Martina Blum
Goethestraße 28
80336 Munich
Tel..: +49 89 / 54 41 84 - 241
Fax: +49 89 / 54 41 84 - 49
Almut Jödicke
Subject Editor (Research section)
Dr. Almut Jödicke
ETH Zentrum
PO Box CAB 42
8093 Zurich
Tel.: +41 52 / 222 28 05
Ulrike Sehy
Head of Journals Department
Dr. Ulrike Sehy
Quellenstrasse 27
8003 Zurich
Tel.: +41 43 / 311 07 85 | +49 89 544184 - 265
Open Access and Copyright
oekom is happy to support Open Access, the practice of providing unrestricted access to peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly information. GAIA follows the Green Road to Open Access and also offers a Gold Option.
See here for all information on GAIA's Open Access policy ».
Authors retain the copyright.
Articles in GAIA are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY 4.0 ». Under this license, anyone may access, copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.
Read GAIA online
All GAIA content is available online at Ingenta ».
Your benefits:
- You are given access to all GAIA full texts in PDF or HTML formats.
- You can search by author, abstract or keyword.
- With »Receive new issue alert« you will receive an e-mail notification every time a new GAIA issue becomes available. Please register here ».
- »Reference linking« takes you from one article to other referenced articles with just one click.
Many articles are freely available from the above site (open access).
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1. Go to » and click on »Sign in now.« Fill out the form with your personal data and create the username and password of your choice. Then click on »Register.«
2. Go to »Activating personal subscriptions« and click on »Add.« Select GAIA from the list of publications available from IngentaConnect. Activate the field to the left of GAIA and enter your eight-digit order number as your subscription number (your order number can be found in your subscription confirmation letter). Then click on »Add.«
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Should you have any questions or problems, please send an E-Mail to
Your contact at oekom is Petra Kieselbach (
Services to the Transdisciplinary Community
GAIA Annual Meeting 2025
GAIA organizes annual two-day meetings of the community. The 2025 meeting » will take place on April 4th and 5th at University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Toolkits for Transdisciplinarity
What can transdisciplinarians learn from each other and from other communities of practice about methods for transdisciplinary research?
The Toolkits for Transdisciplinarity series – published between mid-2015 and mid-2017 in the scientific journal GAIA – Ecological Perspectives in Science and Society – highlights existing compilations of methods useful for transdisciplinary research.
»Toolkits for Transdisciplinarity«: PDF-Download »
Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research
The series Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research published open-access in GAIA highlights existing ways of approaching transdisciplinary research. Five frameworks focus on transdisciplinary research as a whole and four concentrate on significant parts of the transdisciplinary research process. All nine frameworks are compiled in a flyer you can download here:
»Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research«: PDF-Download »
Participatory research methods for sustainability
Participatory approaches play a particularly strong role in the sustainability sciences. Combining rigorous scientific and application-oriented knowledge, this currently running toolkit series aims to provide a synthesis of emerging and consolidated participatory research methods in sustainability science. An overview of toolkits published so far is provided here ».
GAIA and the i2Insights blog
GAIA has a productive long-term partnership with the blog Integration and Implementation Insights » (also known as i2Insights).
i2Insights is a community weblog for researchers who are interested in sharing concepts and methods for understanding and acting on complex societal and environmental problems (problems like global climate change and inequality).
The blog is run by the Integration and Implementation Sciences » (i2S) team, headed by Gabriele Bammer, member of GAIA’s Scientific Advisory Board, and Peter Deane, at The Australian National University.
If your GAIA paper is about a research integration or implementation concept or method, you may receive an invitation to contribute to the i2Insights blog and to further the reach of your work through a blog post. You should also feel free to contact the blog editors at:
GAIA will make your paper free to access for a month after the blog post is published, unless the paper is already open access.
Here you can see all blog posts from the partnership with GAIA ».
GAIA and the tdAcademy
GAIA has a long-term partnership with tdAcademy, which is a platform for transdisciplinary research and studies. The online hub » is at the centre of the community project and invites transdisciplinary researchers to join the online community, create their personal profiles to connect with other researchers, share their projects to exchange experiences, and promote their capacity building events.
tdAcademy is a continuously evolving knowledge base for transdisciplinary research and research on transdisciplinarity. It serves as a platform for its global community to reflect on existing concepts and methods, discuss the latest insights, and develop new research topics. tdAcademy pursues three objectives: (1) Research: developing and consolidating state of the art insights within the transdisciplinary research community; (2) Enable: providing high quality capacity building opportunities for actors involved in transdisciplinary research processes; and (3) Connect: supporting and further developing the transdisciplinary research community by providing a space for exchange, reflection, collaboration, and new ideas.
Every year, GAIA selects the winners of the Masters Student Paper Award and the Best Paper Award.
More information:
Advertising in GAIA
Would you like to advertise in GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society?
Here you will find all the necessary information about the magazine and how to book an advertisement.
GAIA - Dates 2025:
Issue |
No. |
Subject |
Advertising |
Deadline for |
Publication |
März | 1/25 | 11.02.2025 | 06.03.2025 | 31.03.2025 | |
Juli | 2/25 | 13.05.2025 | 07.06.2025 | 05.07.2025 | |
Oktober | 3/25 | Planetary Health | 02.09.2025 | 25.09.2025 | 21.10.2025 |
Januar | 4/25 | 11.11.2025 | 05.12.2025 | 14.01.2026 |
Journal format: 210 mm x 280 mm
Type area: 175 mm x 225 mm
Printing process: CMYK offset printing according to Euroscale, perfect binding
Paper: Inside 100 gsm Steinbeis Select, cover 170 gsm Vivus (both 100 % recycled paper)
Advertising rates and formats
format | width in mm |
height in mm |
price in € black and white |
price in € CMYK |
1/1* | 210 | 280 | 1.420,– | 2.560,– |
1/2** cover page vertical |
105 | 280 | – |
available on |
1/2** cover page horizontal |
210 | 140 | – | available on request |
1/2 vertical | 85 | 225 | 754,– | 1.355,– |
1/2 horizontal | 175 | 110 | 754,– | 1.355,– |
1/3 vertical | 55 | 225 | 560,– | 1.030,– |
1/3 horizontal | 115 | 115 | 560,– | 1.030,– |
1/3 horizontal | 175 | 75 | 560,– | 1.030,– |
1/4 vertical | 85 | 115 | 430,– | 765,– |
1/4 vertical | 115 | 86 | 430,– | 765,– |
1/4 horizontal | 175 | 57 | 430,– | 765,– |
1/6 vertical | 55 | 115 | 305,– | 550,– |
1/6 horizontal | 115 | 57 | 305,– | 550,– |
1/6 horizontal | 175 | 39 | 305,– | 550,– |
It is also possible to place a banner / an advertisement in the GAIA newsletter.
The costs amount to 400 euros. For more information, please contact us directly.
All prices plus VAT. Prices in Germany are subject to the applicable value added taxes .
* Ad format with bleed, trim 3 mm per boarder, placement on cover pages on request
** Ad format with bleed, trim 3 mm per boarder, on cover pages only
Terms and Conditions (in German) »
up to 4 pages, 25 g, max. DIN A5: EUR 535 (total circulation flat rate).
Price surcharge of 25% for placement specifications.
Heavier inserts are possible on request. Loose sheets are not discounted. Before the order can be accepted you have to send a sample.
Bound inserts are possible on request.
Special conditions
New customer or colleague discount 10 %.
Discounts for advance bookings: for 2 advertisements 5 %, for 4 advertisements 10 %, agency discount 15 %.
Discounts are transferable between individual objects of the publishing house. Special formats on request.
Target group
The transdisciplinary journal GAIA is aimed at academics from all disciplines, at people interested in science in business and administration, in politics, society and the media, as well as at students.
Do you have any questions or would you like a special offer?
Please contact Karline Folkendt, your contact person for advertisements and inserts.
Karline Folkendt
Tel.: +49 89 / 54 41 84 - 217
Fax: +49 89 / 54 41 84 - 49