Raumforschung und Raumordnung 06 - 2023
Innovative Land Policies in Europe

Erscheinungstermin: 03.01.2024

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Inhaltsverzeichnis & Leseprobe  

Innovative Land Policies in Europe

The quest for certainty: Introducing zoning into a discretionary system in England and the European experience

Making land available. Cultural legal comparison of the German Building Land Mobilisation Act and the partial revision of the Swiss Spatial Planning Act

Managing and controlling diffuse urbanisation in France: Spatial planning practices in cross-border city-regions

No net land take for Flanders. Towards a roadmap for the implementation of Europe’s land target

The taxing implementation of densification: The missed opportunity of the German land value tax

Innovative Property for Innovative Land Policy: Four Normative Principles

Rezension / Book Review
Heinig, Stefan (2021): Integrierte Stadtentwicklungsplanung. Konzepte – Methoden – Beispiele

Rezension / Book Review
Gurr, Jens Martin; Parr, Rolf; Hardt, Dennis (eds.) (2022): Metropolitan Research: Methods and Approaches

Bodenpolitik Europa Flächenpolitik Landnutzung Urbanisierung
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