Information for book authors 

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oekom is the leading publisher focused on environment and sustainability in the German-speaking world. Our authors and partners from all areas of society value the publishing house's many years of experience and high level of credibility as well as the clear thematic focus of our scientific and non-fiction book programme.

oekom is constantly expanding its scientific book programme. Among the renowned scientific authors are Ulrich Brand, Tim Jackson, Martin Jänicke, James Lovelock, Donella H. Meadows, Elinor Ostrom, Niko Paech, Josef H. Reichholf, Jørgen Randers, Harald Welzer, Angelika Zahrnt and many other scientists who want to reach an interdisciplinary specialist audience with their work.

In addition, the renowned scientific journals GAIA, TATuP, Raumforschung und Raumordnung and Ökologisches Wirtschaften create a unique environment for the discussion of sustainability issues and the positioning of your publications in the professional public.


Your book with oekom science 

Are you planning a publication in the field of ecology & sustainability? Publishing with oekom, you will not only reach all the usual distribution channels in the book industry, but also the scientific community.

If you are a scientific institution, association or foundation and produce regularly on sustainability topics, we can offer you your own book series. We will be happy to advise you personally and look forward to your email or phone call!

Bild zu Ramona Lotter
Ramona Lotter

Buchproduktion & Veranstaltungsmanagement

Notes on manuscript submission 

To enable us to form a well-founded vision of your book project, please send us the following documents:

  1. Your complete manuscript as PDF (alternatively your synopsis, see below).
  2. A short text on your professional CV and your previous publications, preferably supplemented by a few words on your motivation to deal with the topic of your book.
  3. A brief explanation of why your book fits in well with our programme focus on ecology, environment & sustainability.
  4. Your assessment of the title environment: what competing works are there and how does your book differ from them?


If the manuscript is not yet available, we need instead a detailed synopsis (as PDF) that considers the following aspects:

  • Work title: What could the title and subtitle be?
  • Book idea: What is the core idea of your book? Describe the special feature and benefit of your book in a few lines.
  • Content: Please outline the content of your book on a maximum of 1­–3 pages. It is helpful if the outline is based on the structure of your book. Describe the main points of the outline in 1­–3 sentences each.
  • Sample text: What is your writing style? A maximum 10-page sample is sufficient for us to assess this.
  • Length & illustrations: Please estimate the length of the planned manuscript (MS-Word: number of characters including spaces) and indicate how many colour figures / tables and how many black and white figures / tables are planned.
  • Dates: When can you deliver the finished manuscript?
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ausgenommen Zeitschriftenabos).

Für Kund*innen aus EU-Ländern verstehen sich unsere Preise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und – außer bei digitalen Publikationen – zuzüglich Versandkosten.

Rabatt- und Gutscheincodes können im nachfolgenden Schritt eingegeben werden.