Your book series with oekom science 

Does your scientific institution, research sponsor, association or foundation produce new knowledge on sustainability topics on a regular basis? Then we recommend your own  book series at oekom science! We are happy to advise you personally and look forward to receiving your e-mail or call.

Examples of book series

An overview of all book series published by oekom science can be found under »Scientific book series«.

3 books on a shelfThe Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt promotes innovative exemplary projects for environmental protection. The series »DBU Environmental Communication« is dedicated to the publication and dissemination of related outstanding scientific approaches and pioneering projects from the field.

3 books on a shelfThe Wuppertal Institute researches challenges regarding resources, climate and energy as well as questions of social sustainability on a regional, national and international level and their interrelations with economy, politics and society. The »Wuppertal Research Papers« present outstanding scientific qualification work in sustainability research.



Bild zu Ramona Lotter
Ramona Lotter

Buchproduktion & Veranstaltungsmanagement

Ihr Warenkorb
Ihr Warenkorb ist leer.

Keine Versandkosten ab 40 Euro Bestellwert
(bei Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands,
ausgenommen Zeitschriftenabos).

Für Kund*innen aus EU-Ländern verstehen sich unsere Preise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und – außer bei digitalen Publikationen – zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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