Date of publication: 05/20/2023
• Focus: Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for transdisciplinarity
• Keine Energiewende ohne Atomwende
• Managing the Austrian assessment report on health, demography and climate change
GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »
Content & reading samples
Transdisciplinarity: A productive provocation
by Daniel Fischer, Bernhard Schmid, Irmi Seidl
12 Fragen an Thomas Jahn
by Thomas Jahn, Christoph Görg
In Memoriam Julie Thompson Klein
by Bianca Vienni Baptista
Atomwende? Ja, bitte!
Warum die Abkehr von der Atomenergie und eine gute Entsorgungspolitik die Energiewende in Deutschland befördern werden
by Fabian Präger, Achim Brunnengräber, Christian von Hirschhausen
Brief Report
Oral history interviews (OHIs)
Participatory research methods for sustainability – toolkit #5
by Matthias Bürgi, Franziska Mohr, Susan Lock, Martin Stuber
Research Article
Managing a special report
Reflections on the genesis of the Austrian assessment on health, demography and climate change
by Willi Haas, Olivia Koland
Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for transdisciplinary learning and experimentation
Pathways beyond the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021
by BinBin Pearce, Bianca Vienni Baptista, Michael Stauffacher, Theres Paulsen, Pius Krütli, Tobias Buser, Nabila Putri Salsabila, Celine Christl
Research Article
The role of transdisciplinarity in building a decolonial
bridge between science, policy, and practice
by Aymara Llanque Zonta, Johanna Jacobi, Stellah M. Mukhovi, Eliud Birachi, Per von Groote, Carmenza Robledo Abad
Research Article
Promising practices for dealing with complexity in research for development
by Carmenza Robledo Abad, Sabin Bieri, René Eschen, Sandra Fürst, Johanna Jacobi, Elizabeth Jiménez, Aymara Llanque Zonta, Meleesa Naughton, Urs Schaffner, Mirko S. Winkler, Manuel Flury
Achieving societal collaboration and impact in Aotearoa-New Zealand through transdisciplinarity
by Melissa Robson-Williams, Ocean Mercier, Nichola Harcourt
Research Article
Building pathways between transdisciplinarity and transformation
Lessons from practice
by Bianca Vienni Baptista, Olivier Ejderyan, Carla Alvial Palavicino
Inclusive stakeholder engagement for equitable knowledge co-production
Insights from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme in climate change research
by Jenny Lieu, Amanda Martínez-Reyes, Phillippa Groome, Diana Mangalagiu, BinBin Pearce, Baiba Witajewska-Baltvilka, Regine-Ellen D. Møller
Research Article
Biomodd: The integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices
by Ulrike Kuchner, Mona Nasser, Pieter Steyaert, Diego S. Maranan, Zeynep Birsel, Agatha Haines, Ann Peeters, Angelo Vermeulen
Research Article
Teaching transdisciplinary competencies for sustainability transformation by co-producing social learning videos
by Patricia Fry, Susan Thieme
Advancing transdisciplinarity: Learning, teaching, and institutionalizing
by Julie Thompson Klein
On being oriented
Strengthening transgressive orientations in transdisciplinary sustainability research through queer theory
by Guido Caniglia, Coleen Vogel
Challenges and strategies in transdisciplinary
research – early career researchers’ perspectives
by Vanja Djinlev, Irina Dallo, Stefan Markus Müller, Mélanie Surchat, Juanita von Rothkirch, Ariane Wenger, Leonhard Späth
Research Article
Assessing societal effects: Lessons from evaluation
approaches in transdisciplinary research fields
by Josefa Kny, Rachel Claus, Janet Harris, Martina Schäfer
Research Article
How to build Theories of Change for transdisciplinary research: Guidance and considerations
by Rachel Claus, Rachel Davel, Cheryl Heykoop, Daniela Pinto, Brian Belcher
Book Review
Wie unterschiedlich in Deutschland Solargeschichte erzählt wird
by Joachim Radkau
Seit mehr als 25 Jahren fest in der saguf verankert
by Claudia Zingerli, Michael Stauffacher, Andreas Kläy, Ruth Förster
Facing the future: Human ecology and “Bildung”
by Wolfgang H. Serbser, Dieter Steiner
Die UniNEtZ-Grundsatzerklärung – ein Impuls zur (Selbst-)Trans-formation der Hochschulen
by Hannah Geuder, Johann Stötter, Franz Fehr, Ingomar Glatz, Alexander Griebler, Bernhard Kernegger, Annemarie Schneeberger, Helga Kromp-Kolb, Andreas Koch
Vernetzen, fördern, konsolidieren, stärken – zur Gründung der Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung
by Matthias Bergmann, Daniel J. Lang, Melanie Mbah, Martina Schäfer
Transdisziplinäre und partizipative
Wissenschaft stärken und eine
nachhaltige Zukunft gestalten
Eckpunkte für Wissenschaftspolitik, Forschungsförderung und Wissenschaft