Date of publication: 10/27/2023
Communicating climate change in the theatre
Participatory modelling for transformation
Perceptions of climate change in Bavaria
GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »
Date of publication: 10/27/2023
Communicating climate change in the theatre
Participatory modelling for transformation
Perceptions of climate change in Bavaria
GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »
Ölpreiskrise, Gaspreiskrise, Klimakrise – Lehren für die Transformation
by Andreas Löschel
12 Questions to Marco Armiero
by Marco Armiero, David Pellow
Transformation happens in the unbelievable
Using participatory modelling to pave realistic paths towards idealistic futures
by Riikka Paloniemi, Heidi Lehtiniemi
The debate on nuclear energy for sustainability:
A comment
by Henrik von Wehrden, John-Oliver Engler
Brief Report
Serious games for sustainability transformations
Participatory research methods for sustainability – toolkit #7
by Katharina Gugerell
Is tragedy the true language of science?
Unleashing the emotional power of theatrical storytelling for climate change communication
by Linda Ghirardello, Giulia Isetti
Public support for worktime reductions in Switzerland in the context of a transition to a post-growth society
by Hugo Hanbury, Stephanie Moser, Sebastian Neubert, Christoph Bader, Patrick Bottazzi
Climate change perceptions in Bavaria
Revealing the influence of socio-demographic and local environmental factors
by Rebekka Riebl, Maria Haensel, Thomas Koellner, Theresa Landwehr, Thomas M. Schmitt, Miriam Thiemann
Transformation toward sustainable academia: ETH Zurich’s Air Travel Project
by Ariane Wenger, Giuliana Turi
Klimawandel, Biodiversitätsverlust, Nachhaltigkeit und Suffizienzkriterien der Gerechtigkeit
by Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Kathrin von Allmen, Simon Kräuchi
DGH-Jahrestagung 2023 zum Thema Wasser
by Karl-Heinz Simon
Sustainable innovations by design thinking
An experiential learning course implemented by students
by Magdalena Rusch
Exploring fruitful links between real-world laboratory and disciplinary research
Introduction of the DKN Future Earth working group LinkLab
by Annika Weiser
Auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Hochschul- und Wissenschaftssystem
by Laura Tydecks, Carmen Richerzhagen, Ralph Wilhelm, Jedrzej Sulmowski
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