Date of publication: 06/13/2019
• Scientists for Future
• Nachhaltigkeit in Kommunen
• Impact-Messung
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Content & reading samples
Sustainable Development Goals
A call for global partnership and cooperation
by Gesine Schwan
by Peter Messerli
Peter Messerli..
by Urs Wiesmann
The concerns of the young protesters are justified
A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection
by Gregor Hagedorn
Research for Sustainable Development Goals
by Urs Wiesmann, Océane Dayer
Spatial context matters in monitoring and reporting
on Sustainable Development Goals
Reflections based on research in mountain regions
by Aino Kulonen, Carolina Adler, Bracher Christoph, Susanne Wymann von Dach
Rethinking gender: feminist perspectives on
Sustainable Development Goals in the light of
by Tanja Mölders
The 2030 Agenda as a challenge to
life sciences universities
by Georg Gratzer, Andreas Muhar, Thomas Lindenthal, Verena Radinger-Peer, Andreas Melcher
Theories of change in sustainability science
Understanding how change happens
by Christoph Oberlack, Flurina Schneider
Pathways to urban sustainability
How science can contribute to sustainable development in cities
by Jennifer Bansard, Thomas Hickmann, Kristine Kern
Who should waste less?
Food waste prevention and rebound effects in the context of the
Sustainable Development Goals
by Wiebke Hagedorn, Henning Wilts
Upgrading products, upgrading work?
Interorganizational learning in global food value chains
to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
by Tanja Verena Matheis, Christian Herzig
Sustainable management of freshwater resources
Linking international water law and the Sustainable Development Goals
by Otto Spijkers
Leveraging research partnerships to achieve
the 2030 Agenda
Experiences from North-South cooperation
by Jasmin Saric, Bishnu Ray Upreti
How social sciences and humanities can contribute to
transformative science
by Olivier Ejderyan, Flurina Schneider, Andreas Kläy, Basil Bornemann
Österreichische Universitäten übernehmen Verantwortung
Das Projekt Universitäten und Nachhaltige EntwicklungsZiele (UniNEtZ)
by Johann Stötter
Sozial-ökologische Forschung international
Forschung für nachhaltige Gesellschaften
als globale Aufgabe
by Michaela Thorn
Vom inside-out zum outside-in
Perspektivwechsel bei der Impact-Messung von
transformativer Forschung
by Uwe Schneidewind, Annika Rehm
Energiewende: So kommen neue Technologien im Alltag an
by Ellen Matthies
Transdisziplinäre Forschung auf dem Prüfstand
Einblicke in den Arbeitsalltag des Reallabors Asyl
by Svenja Kück, Verena Schmid
Humanökologie und Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft
Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten,
Optionen für Synergien
by Karl-Heinz Simon, Felix Tretter, Bernhard Glaeser