The Nature of Sustainable Consumption and How to Achieve it

Results from the Focal Topic "From Knowledge to Action – New Paths towards Sustainable Consumption"

ISBN: 978-3-86581-302-2
Softcover, 468 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin: 08.11.2012
CC-Lizenzart: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Is the online trade with second-hand products changing individual consumer behaviour? What is the sustainability potential of this activity? How can daily energy-consuming routines at the workplace be changed? Do major changes in the course of people's lives represent opportunities to modify their consumer behaviour towards greater sustainability?

These are only some of the research questions studied in the focal topic »From Knowledge to Action - New Paths towards Sustainable Consumption« which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the »Social-ecological Research Programme« (SÖF). This book gives an insight into the research results of the ten project groups. Their diversity highlights that there is much more to »sustainable consumption« than the simple purchase of organic or fair trade products.

In addition, overarching conceptual and normative issues were treated across the project groups of the focal topic. Developed collaboratively and moderated by the accompanying research project, the results of the synthesis process are also presented here, as for example how the sustainability of individual consumer behaviour can be evaluated, or which theories of action are particularly useful for specific consumer behaviour phenomena.
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