Single issues »GAIA « 

• Wissenschaft als Konfliktlöserin
• Transdisziplinäre Forschung kontrovers
• Climate Change Education
• Transformative Wissenschaft



• Klimaschutz und Lebensmittelwahl
• Sustainability in Democracies
• Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an der FH
• Critical Raw Materials




• Neue Biotechnologien und Landwirtschaft
• Germany's Struggle for Energy Efficiency
• Assessing a TD Research Center



• Arts-Based Research for Sustainability
• Shared Cargo Bikes for Sustainable Mobility
• Researchers' Roles in Real-World Labs



Labs in the Real World

Advancing Transdisciplinarity and Transformations

GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »


• Sustainable Aquaculture
• Exnovation of Unsustainable Technologies
• Transdisziplinäre Forschung Revisited
• Macht in Umweltpolitik ...


• Die transformative Universität
• Soziale Innovationen
• Growth Imperative vs. Non-Growth Option
• SDGs and Climate Policy




Analysetool für soziale Transformationen

GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »


• Jahrhundertprojekt Endlagerung
• Costal Transformations
• Palm Oil Production in Brazil


• Research on Natural Resources
• Ecosystem Assessment in Germany
• Ten Steps to Transdiscplinarity

GAIA is available in full text at


• Sustainable Consumption Research
• Sustainable Urban Food Policy
• Reallabore ...


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